Demand Cloud Imperium Games to release their financial information

  • av: Geoff P
  • mottagare: game backers and watchers

Demand Cloud Imperium Games to release their financial information

Star Citizen is an upcoming massively multiplayer, space trading and combat video game for Microsoft Windows. The development includes a single-player campaign titled Squadron 42.

Star Citizen and Squadron 42 are produced by Chris Roberts' company Cloud Imperium Games and its European counterpart Foundry 42 and marketed under the Cloud Imperium Games subsidiary Roberts Space Industries. Game development is financed by a record-breaking crowdfunding campaign and the pre-sale of game items and currency on the company's homepage.

Development of Star Citizen began in 2011[3] and was originally planned for a release in 2014, and again in 2016. As of 2017, there is no official release date, and the game is still in active development. Squadron 42 was originally announced for a late 2015 release, but was delayed. As of December 2017, there is no definite release date.*

Legal issues
On Tuesday, December 12, 2017 CryTek, the developers of CryEngine which Star Citizen originally was based on, filed a lawsuit for copyright infringement and breach of contract in the United States District Court for the Central District of California Western Division against the developers of Star Citizen, Robert Space Industries and Cloud Imperium Games.



Chris Roberts of Cloud Imperium Games claimed that if the games development went over 4 years, they would release their financials. Since then, Cloud Imperium Games has decided to pull that prevision and has since kept their financials quite. CIG is now are in a legal battle with CryTek for a supposed breach of contract.

If you are a backer of this game, sign here if you want to know how your money is being spent. Whether you've given CIG $40 or $15,000, please help with the cause.

Star Citizen, lawsuit, copyright infringement, breach of contract, Robert Space Industries, Cloud Imperium Games, Legal issues, CryEngine

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