Tanzania: NO to selling Ivory stockpiles!!

  • av: Sophie Simonson
  • mottagare: President of Tanzania: Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete & Wildlife Minister: Khamis Kagasheki

Around 10,000 elephants are slaughtered every year in Tanzania! Thats 28 elephants a day!
Little money is spent on conservation activites, and rangers are paid minimal for their efforts.

"This month, Tanzania notified the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species that the country would like to sell off its 100-ton stockpile of confiscated ivory and downgrade the protection of elephants.

The government says a one-off ivory sale will raise millions for wildlife protection. Conservationists say ivory sales just fuel the slaughter of more elephants."
(John Burnett, October 25, 2012)

This must STOP.  

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