Tell Indiegogo not to host this company's "anti-rape underwear" funding campaign

  • av: SUE LEE
  • mottagare: Indiegogo international crowd funding

Please sign and share this petition to protest AR War’s anti-rape underwear!  Have you ever heard anything so absurd?  The underwear is designed to be difficult for a predator to tear off, but is that supposed to stop a rape??!!  They state that, with this underwear on, women would feel safer out when running, jogging, biking and clubbing; any type of activity would seem safer because of this apparel.  Knowing these sickos are off the streets is what would make anyone feel safer, NOT anti-rape underwear!!

On the one hand, it's great that Indiegogo allows fundraisers to campaign against sexual assault and raise money for women's rights organizations. And it does seem like AR Wear has the best of intentions in this situation. But to promote their underwear as a way to stop rape is ridiculous.  These underwear garments may be more dangerous for the woman wearing them than help to stop a rape.  If someone is attacking a woman with intentions of rape and they can’t succeed, they may decide to take out their anger on the victim and an attempted rape could turn into a murder instead.  There is nothing you can wear or not wear to stop a rapist from violated an individual, which is really sad.  Rapists are sick individuals and the best anyone can do is report them, get them caught and removed from the streets and society.  Other measures need to be put into practice to get these sick abusers off of the streets. Underwear is not a realistic way to stop rape.

For the full story on this issue, read  Please sign and share this petition to ask Indiegogo not to host this sort of counterproductive campaign when there's no evidence it will actually keep women safe from rape!

Indiegogo international crowd funding – How on earth do you think that anti-rape underwear will stop a rapist from carrying out what he intended?  When he can’t do so, because of this underwear, the woman may end up being killed or severely injured out of frustration!  This is absolutely absurd.  It is not underwear that is needed to stop rapes; law enforcement needs to do their part and get these creeps off of the streets.  Special underwear will do more harm than good to the women wearing them! Stop with the anti-rape underwear!

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