Support the Nineteenth Century Club Mansion

Formerly known as the Rowland J. Darnell house, the Colonial Revival style Nineteenth Century Club mansion (circa 1907) was individually listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1979. Built by one of the great lumber magnates when the city flourished as the lumber capitol of the world, the mansion boasts some of the most beautiful millwork in the region. It maintains its original floor plan, gorgeous architectural details, and the city’s first fully integrated indoor plumbing “ribcage” shower. The building is the last of its kind and one of the few remaining historic properties on Union Ave, which was once lined with lavish mansions. The Nineteenth Century Club mansion is a time capsule, beautifully reflecting a bygone era in our city’s history, which deserves to be lovingly restored.

Petition in Favor of the Restoration and Reuse of the Nineteenth Century Club Mansion

We, the undersigned, are in favor of the Nineteenth Century Club mansion as a mainstay at 1433 Union Avenue and we encourage its restoration.

Formerly known as the Rowland J. Darnell house, the Colonial Revival style Nineteenth Century Club mansion (circa 1907) was individually listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1979. Built by one of the great lumber magnates when the city flourished as the lumber capitol of the world, the mansion boasts some of the most beautiful millwork in the region. It maintains its original floor plan, gorgeous architectural details, and the city’s first fully integrated indoor plumbing “ribcage” shower. The building is the last of its kind and one of the few remaining historic properties on Union Ave, which was once lined with lavish mansions. The Nineteenth Century Club mansion is a time capsule, beautifully reflecting a bygone era in our city’s history, which deserves to be lovingly restored.

We are in favor of this historic Memphis Landmark remaining as a permanent fixture on Union Ave. Upon the results of the Jan 24th Auction through the Jeff Morris Auction Group, we look forward to working with the new owner to support its restoration and reuse.

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