• av: Hope Rescues
  • mottagare: Madison County Illinois Animal Control

Madison County Animal Control is a "Closed" facility where more than 80% of the pets that walk through the doors are carried out in trash bags.  This must change. Here is what we want to see changed

1. Open Madison County Animal Control up for public adoptions.
2. Remove restrictions on State Licensed rescues and shelters allowing any/all in good standing with the state of Illinois Dept of Ag. who hold a current Dept.... of Ag license to "flag" and "pull" animals from Madison County Animal Control.
3. Remove the "death only" for owner surrender pets that are not deemed vicious. Offer the Rescue/Shelter option to any owner who comes in to surrender their pet for euthanasia. To this day if an owner comes in and surrenders their pet for death (90% of whom do not know there is an option) That pet is marked for death and no one is allowed to pull the animal even if the pet is highly adoptable.
4. Remove the "death" at the end of the hold time when space allows. Many pets are killed even if they are the only pet in the facility. This is senseless when there is plenty of space available to give the pet an extra day or two so rescues or shelters can work on finding space for the animal.
5. Only count business days for hold times and remove the counting of weekends and holidays. Pets are held 5 days counting weekends and holidays, then killed if not claimed. MANY people are not able to reclaim their pet in time because of the short time held. Example: I go on a long weekend Thursday May 24, 2012. My house sitter doesn't realize my gate is open, my dog gets out, and is picked up by Madison County Animal Control. My house sitter does not know who to call for help. She puts up flyers but because I live in Godfrey she only calls Alton Animal Control or Godfrey animal control. My dog sits at Madco animal control Thursday May 24th at 2pm. The 5 day hold means my dogs hold is up Monday May 28 (Memorial Day) at 2pm. So when I go return from my trip and go to Madison County animal control Tuesday Morning as soon as they open, I am too late to save my dog because Madco puts down on Tuesdays before they open.
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