Nevis Pets Deserve Better: FREE spay/neuter service IS necessary

  • av: Jane Ebbitt
  • mottagare: Nevis Island Administration and government vets Drs Bartlette and James

CARE Nevis Animal Society is a non profit animal rescue organisation on the tiny Caribbean island of Nevis. Our island is a paradise for visitors, but for hundreds of homeless stray cats and especially dogs their lives as unwanted , hungry, terrorised strays are anything but paradise. CARE Nevis runs a small 'No-Kill' shelter soliciting outside support and aid from international animal welfare organisations such as World Vets. To address the overpopulation of wretched strays we campaign for local pet owners to 'Fix' their pets with spay/neuter.

In 2014 we hosted a World Vets team who performed a record breaking 269 spay/neuters in just 3 days during a field clinic. It was so successful they agreed to return this year. Two weeks out, the local island vets are trying to obstruct our efforts and the 2015 visit of the World Vets Team. They have told the island government a 2nd visit is not necessary and are attempting to block the visit.

These vets do an average 4 spay/neuters per week for a fee.There are 1000's of strays, World Vets provide a FREE spay-neuter service. We have been blocked from continuing our campaign despite the desperate need and desire of local pet owners to have their pets fixed at NO cost. Stray dog packs often attack livestock affecting the livelihood of local farmers. Without a comprehensive spay neuter programme and the assistance of teams such as World Vets, the cruelest and most inhumane methods are employed - poisoning, drowning, battering to death and hanging dogs from trees.

The need for assistance on HUMANE 'animal control is critical for the well-being of pets on Nevis', Please, please accept that the assistance of World Vets FREE spay/neuter and wellness clinics is crucial to help companion animals and the people of Nevis live in harmony.

Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Thank You to all who have signed our petition requesting permission for the World Vets organisation to bring to Nevis a Free spay/neuter clinic. We thought we had success last Friday but on Monday the 2 local vets threatened to quit if World Vets came to Nevis, the minister refused again to issue the invitation ! We are still fighting back. . This fight is not over ! Thank you , Jane Ebbitt
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