Justice for Billy Reid

On February 3rd, 2010, Billy Reid, of Willow Creek, CA, originally from Eastchester, NY, was brutally murdered at his home. The two criminals charged with his murder are Limmie Curry and Eddie Lee.

These two defendants have been held in the Humboldt County jail for almost 4 years now. A trial is scheduled to start in March 2014. We ask that you sign our petition, addressed to the Humboldt County District Attorney, to show your support in this effort to ensure Curry and Lee are prosecuted to the full extent of the law for this heinous crime they have been charged with.

Billy Reid was from a large family of seven children and always had a close bond with his family and friends. He traveled the country, making friends everywhere he went. He was the type of person who would go out of his way to help a total stranger in need. Billy had an infectious laugh, great sense of humor, and a never ending smile. He was a talented carpenter and musician who loved motorcycles, fishing, and animals. Billy's family and friends have been shattered by his brutal murder. He is greatly missed every day by all who loved him. Please sign this petition if you support full prosecution for Billy Reid's murderers. 

People vs. Curry, case # CR1001144A

People vs. Lee, case # CR1001144B 

Dear District Attorney Gallegos,

We the undersigned, urge you, as District Attorney for Humboldt County California, to prosecute Limmie Curry and Eddie Lee to the full extent of the law regarding the murder of Billy Reid.

On February 3rd, 2010, Billy Reid, of Willow Creek, California was brutally murdered at his home. The above mentioned Curry and Lee have been charged with this homicide. The evidence is overwhelming that this heinous crime was premeditated with every intent to kill Billy and rob him of his possessions. Curry and Lee's cold-blooded actions have devastated Billy's entire family as well as an extensive group of friends. We are all struggling, on a daily basis, to cope with Billy's brutal death and the inhuman attempts that Curry and Lee made to cover up their vicious crime.

It is our expectation that you will see to it that Limmie Curry and Eddie Lee are convicted for this homicide. They are cruel, heartless people with no regard for human life. Justice will be served when Curry and Lee never walk free again. We appreciate your time and effort dedicated to this investigation and the prosecution of these murderers. 


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