More than 3 Million Animals Were Tested On in This Country, And It Could Get Even Worse

Rabbits, dogs, monkeys, and other animals were among the 3,727,163 animals used in Korean laboratories for animal testing and research. That astounding number comes out to more than 10,000 animals going under the knife or needle every day! What's even more disturbing is that one-third of the animals used were subject to chemical poisoning — a type of experiment in which the animal is given NO pain relief.

According to recent documentation, 2018 was a ̈banner year̈ for animal research, more animals were used that year than ever before. In a world where the majority of countries are finding better ways to test drugs and other products without hurting animals. Korea is going the other way.

The 21% increase from last year is disheartening, but even more worrying is the impetus for such high demand for animal testing. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs the majority of animals tested were for corporations for chemical and other trials. And although the Cosmetics Act Reform Bill (CARB) came into effect in 2017, more than 2,000 animals were used for cosmetic testing.

It is unacceptable that more than 3 million animals had to endure this cruelty last year. As animal lovers, it is our responsibility to take care and guard over the other living things with which we share our planet. We should not stand for the suffering of animals in our name, especially if there are better, more humane alternatives. Please take a stand and sign the petition and ask the Korean government to enforce CARB and to revise current testing standards to make non animal testing methods compulsory.
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