Please ban all lethal rodent controls. Lethal removal, along with being cruel, only leaves these prolifically reproducing animals to replace their populations. Currently, rats and mice are exempt from provincial wildlife laws in regard to body gripping traps, thus allowing virtually anyone to use any method of control without even humane training or a hunting/ trapping permit.
Please enforce the Ontario ban on rodenticides and glue traps, and ban them in all of Canada. Both these products kill many animals, including non target species. Toronto Wildlife Centre received a female northern cardinal who was injured by a glue trap intended for mice.
Body gripping traps/Snap traps catch non target animals, and do not always work as intended. They are Coneybeare traps that injure and often kill animals. Please remove the rat and mouse exception on their use.
Rodenticides also kill many non target species due to secondary poisoning. Putting rodenticides in a rodent box does not resolve this issue.
Please ban the following everywhere: All chemical rodenticides, cellulose baits, subterranean exploding traps, mole thumpers, hitting animals, drown traps, rubber band snares, carbon monoxide traps, electrocution traps, aluminum phosphate gas, dry ice, spiky or sharp traps, exploding propane oxygen, and vacuum to drown/digest/freeze/burn traps, and any other method/trap/device that is designed to injure and/or kill an animal, and/or clutch any part of the animal's body.
Humane, effective, and non lethal control methods are legal, and are employed by a few respected companies. Humane companies use one way doors, heated artificial nests, and contraception.
Uppdatera #55 år sedan
The Toronto Public Library wants to discuss on April 29th a contract renewal with a company that uses rodenticides.
Please email the library before Monday!
Uppdatera #46 år sedan
Last two days to comment on the proposal to deregulate cruel rodent control!
Uppdatera #36 år sedan
The cardinal was released healthy into the wild!
The Health Canada consultation ends at the end of the month! See last update.
Uppdatera #26 år sedan
Health Canada is having a consultation, which proposes to EXEPMT indoor glue traps, still allow exploding mole traps, and reduce restrictions on electrocution traps. Snap traps are not regulated at all. Please give feedback here.
Uppdatera #16 år sedan
Potential breakthrough in California! Share your thoughts on a potential rodenticide ban before December 17th, at the following email address: