Asia -- stop eating dogs!!!

  • av: Kumar Persaud
  • mottagare: President Xi Jinping, Government and People, of -- The People's Republic of China.
This is the 21st century, and China has made great strides in moderisation of industry, trade, and education. Values are modified as societies mature and evolve. This is the Number 1 or Number 2 most important country in the world depending on your perspective.

We cannot continue to countenance this kind of unnecessary brutality and lack of moral concern for living creatures under our care.

The following story is shameful:-

There must be legislation and enforcement protocols regarding 'best practices' for butchering animals for food. The action to boil a dog alive is "BARBARIC".
I will NO longer BUY CHINESE manufacturing if this type of behaviour is not changed.

Can you imagine "MURDERING" your dog or cat by boiling it in hot water? Better yet, let's all advocate to take "DOG" off of the Chinese and wider Asian menu.
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