Demand Justice For Animal Abuse

  • av: Maureen Trant
  • mottagare: New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly

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Demand CEO Be Held Accountable for Beating Puppy

Target: New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly

Goal: Hold CEO legally accountable for the animal abuse he committed on camera

Recently, Daniel Padilla, the CEO of a luxury charter-jet company Greystone Aviation Services, was caught on the security camera of his high-rise Hell’s Kitchen apartment elevator beating and abusing his St. Bernard puppy.

The eight-month-old puppy, named Boston, had run off after Padilla had forgotten to bring a leash when he picked the dog up from doggy daycare. Padilla, annoyed at having to run after the puppy, proceeded to unleash his anger on the defenseless baby animal, kicking and punching him in the head and side of his body. An employee of the apartment building saw the abuse and called the police. When the police arrived, they brought the wounded puppy to a vet who confirmed Boston had sustained painful injuries from his abuse. Dr. Bonnie Wong, who treated Boston, reported that he would wince when she touched his body.

Despite a confession from Padilla himself, eyewitness testimony from the New York Police Department, and videotaped evidence of this powerful man abusing a helpless animal while trapped in an elevator, all charges against him have been mysteriously dropped and the dog is still in his care.

Animal abuse and cruelty has no place in a civilized society, and we cannot allow the rich and powerful to get away with it just because they have money and influence. We cannot afford to set this precedent. We cannot allow Daniel Padilla to continue terrorizing a poor defenseless animal.

Please sign this petition to demand that Daniel Padilla be held legally accountable for his actions to the absolute extent of the law, and demand that his dog be removed from his guardianship immediately.

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