This Organization Could Help Prevent Tens of Thousands of Childhood Deaths

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Gavi the Vaccine Alliance
Across the world, pneumonia is still killing children. But it doesn't have to be this way. The Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) is phenomenally effective in preventing childhood deaths from pneumonia. So why are so many children still dying?

One major reason is that not every child has access to PCV jabs, especially since delays have hindered the roll-out of this important vaccine. Gavi, an international health alliance, was supposed to help nations afford the vaccines - but instead has been setting far too onerous payment demands.

Sign the petition to demand that Gavi, the global alliance for vaccine access, relax its payment requirements so that children around the world can get this life-saving vaccine!

Gavi's requirements for governments' co-financing have been too stringent for South Sudan, Chad, Somalia, and Guinea - leaving little children as the ones paying the true cost.

Experts estimate that approximately 700,000 children die each year from pneumonia, making it the most deadly virus affecting children. Of these deaths, approximately 40,000 occurred in just one year alone in four African nations: South Sudan, Chad, Somalia, and Guinea.

The international roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccines have shown us how fast pharmaceutical companies and the medical industry can move. So when it comes to the pneumonia vaccine, these delays make little sense. Pharmaceutical companies first introduced the PCV jab in the U.S. 23 years ago, back in 2000. South Africa received access to the vaccine in 2009.

Why are so many children still waiting to receive these vaccines, all these years later?

Childhood pneumonia deaths are highly preventable. And Gavi could help prevent them. As of right now, the organization has blood on its hands.

We must prevent childhood deaths. Sign the petition to demand that Gavi truly work with these four countries to adjust its payment demands and provide access to pneumonia vaccines!
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