Animal Abusers Should Receive Death For Cruelty To Animals

         Please let me introduce myself. I have been working on trying to save animals since 1984. I am a dedicated animal advocate that can and will change what is going on in the world today concerning the unnecessary murder of our beautiful and defenseless animals. There is no rule that you have to own or even ever be bothered with animals. So, what would be the reason anyone would ever hurt an animal? I promised never to publish that question, because it gives the animal abuser power. The reason why I feel all of this cruelty continues, is the fact that sub-humans are given cart blanche, the freedom that the United States of America allows along with the rest of the world. The USA won't even stop the abuse that is going on here, so what kind of example does the rest of the world follow?              

     The disgusting and disgraceful act of harming animals is of epidemic proportions, and many sub-humans feel that it's okay to murder our greatest gift which is beautiful animals. Ridiculous people have said to me over and over in my life. "It's just an animal life, not a human life." It makes me extremely angry and upset when I hear that. Most of the time, I get a positive response. Then, there are some people that like to say to me, "why do you spend so much time wasting your life saving animals? So my answer is, "why do people like you feel that you have to not protect animals at all?" The answer is simple. These people don't care. My feeling is that I have one of the most important tasks in life ever that is constructive, productive and positive. I have dedicated my entire life to animals. To be perfectly honest, I am happy to turn over my life to the animals, and that is pretty much all I do. I work to save animals 7 days a week, 365 days a year. I have been in contact with Washington D.C. for many years now, only to be put off by form letters, and nothing really solid for me to work with. When I am done with all of the animal advocacy, after many hours, I try to sleep at night, to start all over in the morning to save more animals. I absolutely will work on saving animals until my last breath. That's just me.

         The time is now for action, instead of just talk. Actions speaks louder than words. It is time for me to do something to stop all of the horrific cruelty and animal abuse in this country and also around the world. Enough is enough and this cannot go on. Since the laws, the courts, the United States of America, and the rest of the world does not take animal abuse to a serious enough level, I feel that we should instill the kind of law that would help animals if it was enforced. "An eye for an eye", is by far, the most appropriate way to get some real results if this law is ever implemented. It should be, why should animals suffer?

It is not anyone's right to hurt or kill an animal for any reason. Each and every day in this country (the USA) and globally, beautiful animals are being tortured and killed. They are killed for entertainment, being used and killed in painful and unnecessary experiments, burned, drowned, thrown from buildings, bludgeoned to death, used as bait in dog-fighting, etc. It is too late to educate the offender AFTER this cruelty takes place. These cruel sub-humans continue to abuse and kill animals every single day. This is not acceptable. There are literally millions of people and many of them are animal activists who want this abuse of animals to stop.

In conclusion, the only way we can really try to do this is to have animal abusers suffer the consequences of having the same cruelty done to them, as it will prove that some abusers may think twice about their actions of cruelty, and may not do this as much. In any case, it is worth a try. Something needs to be done, the animal abuse, cruelty cases and killing of these beautiful animals are at mass proportions at this time. The abuse of animals has never been as horrible as it is at the present time. Sub-humans have hit a new low, as they are more cruel than ever. These heinous crimes against animals are just unbelievably sick, evil, cruel, disgraceful and disgusting. This world allows the abuse of innocent animals to go on, and many of the animal lovers and animal advocates think that this pain, torture and killing should be stopped with some new laws that can be introduced. Many other die-hard animal advocates have tried to introduce a "tough law or penalty" to save animals, but the results are not quick enough for me. Not oeven one more animal should ever be tortured or killed, but it goes on by the masses. Trust me, if anyone can do something about keeping animals safe, I hope and pray it will be me. I promise I will do my very best no matter what it takes. In my lifetime, I am hoping to make some real changes, and I will make lots of noise to help this most important cause, which is our animals. 

     I am writing to you today on a matter that is very near and dear to my heart. I have more than a serious concern and this is a personal matter for me, which is a love for saving animals. I help by signing petitions and write letters of importance, and other rescue methods to save animals 7 days a week, 365 days a year. (Maybe I take a day or two off ONLY if I am sick, which is pretty rare.) I really need your help and feel that you may be able to help me. There is no way that enough is being done to save the most beautiful and loving species on this Earth, our animals. We need to change the laws, and to start to PROTECT our animals.

        In my opinion, our President Barack Obama, Congress, or any of the politicians that I keep in touch with, has not addressed this issue to make sure that the animals in this country deserve to live their lives, just like ANY other life. In fact, animals have taken a huge downturn in his administration, and at the present time, animals are being tortured and killed in very large numbers. Abuse has become rampant, and very matter of fact. I am writing to you in the hopes that you will be their friend by changing laws, and maybe do something as the great business minded man that you are. If, and I hope you become the President of the United States, I would love to work on this with you. I propose this law to you. " An eye for an eye." Personally, I would like to see how this law would work, and am certainly willing to give it a try. This is a desperate topic for me, and I would try anything to help these animals. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic, please.

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