Demand better conservation management to save the Scottish wildcat

The Scottish wildcat is in danger of extinction. Please sign this petition to call on Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) to take the necessary measures to encourage and support breeding.

The most ambitious Scottish wildcat conservation effort to date is currently underway, but there are expert concerns that Scottish National Heritage are not implementing the neccesary measures to maintain and build the wildcat population.
Ecologist Alan Ross, who conducted one of the recent wildcat population surveys as part of the efforts, feels that Scottish National Heritage's approach of limiting population sizes to around 20 females may be harmful.

The six separate groups that were located in the surveys have too shallow a gene pool, and as such the females may choose to mate with feral cats, or risk the consequences of inbreeding. Ross has called on SNH to "break out of the box" and solve the problem by increasing zones, and connecting groups using wildcat corridors. This would allow wildcat numbers to increase by increasing the genetic pool available.

This is considered to be our last chance to save this unique and beautiful species, and we need Scottish National Heritage to take quick and effective measures. Please sign this petition and let them know that the public doesn't want the Scottish wildcat population to disappear.

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