Stop brutal horse races, Palio of Siena and the Palio of Legnano (Italy)

  • av: Fabio Borando
  • mottagare: To the Italian Prime Minister, to the Health Minister, to the Tourism Minister, to the Undersecretary to the Health Ministry, Thank You!

These horses do not deserve to die in such a brutal way merely for the entertainment of humans.

You must acknowledge the dangers of the palio and put an end to it. Despite years of protest from animal activists and locals, the palio of Siena and the palio of Legnano are still taking placing in your cities. The dangers of this race are obvious, as horses and riders are constantly being injured; however, nothing seems to be done to prevent the mistreatment and torture of the horses.

I am aware that care and supervision has been increased over the years, but the palio is still not, and may never be, safe for the horses accidents are common - bribery and doping.

The mistreatment and torture of the horses must be stopped and the palio di Siena and palio di Legnano should be banned. Last year, when Italy petitioned a list of traditional festivals and events to UNESCO in Paris to be included on the international list of cultural treasures, the palio was withdrawn after the Italian tourism minister expressed concerns over the many horses that are injured and killed as a result of the race. Despite protests against the palio, officials have yet to ban the event and more and more horses are being tortured every year. It is vital to acknowledge the dangers behind this race and put an end to it once and for all.

held in Italy every year have always been defended in the name of an alleged respect of traditions. In reality, the amount of money moved by these events and the huge number of serious incidents demonstrate the existence of interests that don't take in any account the wellbeing on the animals involved.

We believe traditions must evolve alongside the growth of sensibility, and that Italy deserves to be considered a country capable to express a cultural progress. 

We thus ask to put an end to this barbarous heritage of the past and ban the use of animals in the palii.


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