Tell NRML to Drop Fur!

Animals killed for fur are trapped, skinned alive, and anally electrocuted. Please tell retail store NRML (located in Ottawa, ON) to go fur-free. You can sign this petition and most importantly, you can send them a polite email here:

Animals killed for fur are trapped, skinned alive, and anally electrocted. Please tell retail store NRML (located in Ottawa, ON) to go fur-free. You can sign this petition and most importantly, you can send them a polite email here:

Uppdatera #410 år sedan

Please call the store and express your concern today. (613) 562-2043
Uppdatera #310 år sedan
Please take a moment to call the store and express your concern. It only takes a few minutes and the animals need your voice.

Uppdatera #210 år sedan

Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Thank you so much for telling NRML to go fur-free. The Ottawa Animal Defense League is currently protesting outside their store every weekend until they drop fur.

If you haven't already, please send a short email to the store asking them to drop fur at

We have power in numbers! Thank you!
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