Stop Australian Mega Mines

  • av: Judith B.
  • mottagare: Tony Burke, Federal Environment Minister, Australia

Even as the world begins to realise the necessity of reducing carbon emissions, the fossil fuel industry remains a powerful lobby. So powerful, in fact, that Australia is seriously considering allowing the creation of 9 mammoth coal mines. The government has already given the go-ahead to one.

These mines, expected to produce about 330 million tonnes coal a year between them, would completely cancel out all Australia’s efforts to reduce the country’s carbon footprint.

They would also have a devastating impact on nearby ecosystems, which include vital natural habitat such as the Great Barrier Reef.

Creating the world’s largest marine reserve with one hand and allowing the opening of mega coal mines with the other is more than just inconsistent – it would cause national and global environmental devastation.

Tell the Australian government to reconsider this plan, which is short-sighted in the extreme.

We the undersigned ask that you do not enable the opening of 9 enormous coal mines. This would almost completely negate all the efforts the Australian government and the Australian people have been making to reduce carbon emissions as the effects of climate change begin to be seen.

It would also ruin ecosystems of the sites and nearby. Some of these ecosystems contain an immense diversity of life and are essential to the long-term future of Australia’s economy as well as its environment.

Coal mining is a short-term and highly destructive process, only allowing a brief period of financial gain. The environmental and social costs are much too high and allowing even more mining is in no way a sustainable or sensible plan.

We ask that you halt these ill-advised plans as a matter of urgency.

Thank you for your attention

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