Stop Live Exports From Australia!

  • av: Anu Raviprasad
  • mottagare: Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of Australia

WARNING: Video contains some graphic images.
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"Video footage taken in September - October 2012 shows Australian cattle being punched, kicked and beaten. Evidence documented shows one lame bull poked with an electrified prodder over 100 times — in his face, eyes, ears, anus and genitals — the entire time bellowing in pain and distress as he made futile attempts to escape his tormentor. Painful electric prodders are used routinely in Bakar Tnuva to abuse animals."

This is the daily life for animals being exported live from Australia to Israel. It's the terrible truth, one many of us cannot bear to think of. But soon, we will have to. Animals keep dying because we want to eat them. We think they're yummy. We think that quenching our taste buds is worth more than their precious lives. But we're wrong.

I ask you to watch the video to discover the truth for yourselves. I'm a vegetarian, and I could barely make it through the entire video. The way they kill, torment and torture the animals in Israel is horrible.

But you can help stop this. You can save the millions of lives worth living by asking Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of Australia,  to stop factory farming for the sake of all these beautiful beings. Together, we can do anything.

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