Convict George Santos!

  • av: OD Action
  • mottagare: Department of Justice

Pathological liar and right-wing extremist George Santos has been indicted for a remarkable slew of crimes, and it's time for him to face justice.

On top of committing cheque fraud in Brazil and scamming a veteran out of money to help his ailing dog, Santos is accused of using his political campaign as his personal piggy bank, using donor money to buy himself designer clothes and pay off his debts.

Tell prosecutors to throw the book at George Santos!

This kind of thing is sadly quite common among Republican candidates, but it's very unusual to see the criminality so blatant and so clumsy.

Santos is a symbol of everything that's wrong with politics these days, and we can't begin to clean up Washington until we show the nation that those who abuse the campaign finance system WILL be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Convict George Santos!

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