Bolsonaro Is Out. Brazil's New President Must Turn the Country Around.

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Brazil President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva

The new Brazilian President-elect Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva – widely known as "Lula" – defeated right-wing leader Jair Bolsonaro. Now, many have hope for the future of human rights and climate change in Brazil. As far-right authoritarian, Bolsonaro dismissed concerns of LGBTQ groups, women's rights campaigners, and climate change activists. During his term, destruction of the Brazilian rainforest hit a 15-year high. There is much damage to undo, and President Lula has made many promises – let's make sure he delivers. 

Sign the petition to demand Brazil's President Lula deliver on his promises to bring democracy back to Brazil!

During his presidency, Bolsonaro rolled back environmental protections, and pushed for more mining and commercial farming in the Amazon region – not only risking the health of ecosystems, but blatantly ignoring the rights and claims of Indigenous tribes. Throughout his campaign, Lula promised to protect the Amazon rainforest. If he delivers on this promise, analysts say that Brazil's contributions could have a major impact on the worldwide fight against climate change. The Amazon is considered the "lungs of the planet" – and scientists warn that immediate action is necessary.

"Brazil is ready to retake its leadership in the fight against the climate crisis," Lula said after winning. "Brazil and the planet need a living Amazon."

In addition to the serious damage to the Amazon, Bolsonaro has a history of making deeply offensive comments towards women and the LGBTQ community. It's imperative that President Lula restores a sense of safety for all people in Brazil.

Sign the petition to demand Brazil's President Lula deliver on his promises to bring democracy back to Brazil!

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