Stop Ukraine abusing their brown bears

On 11 June 2012 50/50 Human|Nature show in South Africa showed how Brown Bears are being abused in Ukraine. I would like the world to know.

Thank you 50/50 for opening our eyes

The paragraph and photo below is from the 50/50 Website.


The practices of bear baiting and dancing bears were outlawed in Eastern Europe almost 12 years ago and we thought we’d seen the end of cruelty to bears… Not so. Deeper into Eastern Europe in the Ukraine, brown bears are living under harsh, cruel conditions. Bears that would normally walk hundreds of kilometres daily, are being kept in tiny cages on restaurant properties for their entire lives.  In order to subdue the bears, they are fed alcohol. These are called the vodka bears. Since it was announced that Ukraine will be hosting the EUFA EURO 2012 soccer tournament (beginning this month, June) the Ukrainians have come under the cosh from animal rights activists to clean the cities up in time for the competition. Four Paws International has been given permission to assist the Ukranian authorities to release captured and tortured bears. During their investigations, Four Paws have come across make-shift zoos on the side of a highway where animals are kept in dreadful conditions;  been alerted to an abused bear named Potab and through his wounds learnt about husky bear-baiting competitions as well as many other atrocities. This insert sheds light on the ‘modern day’ cruelty to bears and helps to point out the way forward to make a positive change.

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