• av: YVC
  • mottagare: Barack Obama United States of America President

 the reality is it’s a horrific and cruel method of “euthanasia.” The animals are placed in a warm or hot box without sedation. They have no idea what is happening to them and are terrified. The hiss of gas starts and they get dizzy and panic. Screams are heard and fights break out. In some pounds, cats are mixed in with dogs, small dogs are mixed in with large dogs, and they all fight each other for the last breath of air. The 25 or more minutes it takes to end their lives can be complete torture.

To Barack ObamaUnited States of America President the reality is it’s a horrific and cruel method of “euthanasia.” The animals are placed in a warm or hot box without sedation. They have no idea what is happening to them and are terrified. The hiss of gas starts and they get dizzy and panic. Screams are heard and fights break out. In some pounds, cats are mixed in with dogs, small dogs are mixed in with large dogs, and they all fight each other for the last breath of air. The 25 or more minutes it takes to end their lives can be complete torture.

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