Keep Florida Beaches Public!

Florida governor Rick Scott just signed a bill that will make countless Florida beaches private. The new law, scheduled to go into effect on July 1, will grant privately-owned homes, hotels and condos more control over their beachfront property, allowing them to restrict access to the general public.

Beaches are an integral part of Florida's tourism and should be open for all to enjoy. Sign now to keep Florida beaches public!

Sixty percent of Florida's beaches are already privately owned. This new law will put even more power in the hands of landowners to further restrict where, when, and how people can access the beach.

But this law isn't just an inconvenience for beachgoers - it also has the potential to cause environmental harm. With more coastal regions in the hands of private property owners, there will be less oversight on how these areas are protected.

Please sign this petition urging the Florida legislature and Governor Rick Scott to repeal this law and keep Florida beaches public!
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