Stop the rezoning of Spotswood.

Norfolk Developer, Frye Properties has applied to have Colonial Williamsburg's Spotswood Golf Course rezoned from a proposed low density residential development to a Planned Residential Development with density of 5 units per acre! This equates to doubling the number of approved residences from 88 to 166 units, many of which will be attached housing. This is  four times the number of homes in the adjacent neighborhood and will increase traffic dramatically by more than 1,600 car trips a day. 

Imagine what this will do to traffic in downtown Williamsburg. We urge you to sign the accompanying petition to notify the Williamsburg Planning Department you object to rezoning Spotswood.

For more information please email

Uppdatera #11 år sedan
If you are interested in a No to Spotswood Rezoning yard sign, please email Leave your name and address, which will remain confidential, and we will drop two signs off for your posting pleasure.
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