India: Stop Using Elephants as Bulldozers!

  • av: Chris Wolverton
  • mottagare: Dr. R.D. Tanwar, Chief Conservator for Forests

Indian officials are using endangered elephants to demolish shacks built by illegal immigrants in Assam's forest land. Dr. R.D. Tanwar, India's Chief Conservator for Forests, explains that the region's hilly terrain makes it impossible for bulldozers to enter, hence the use of elephants. 

Demolishing buildings requires ramming into concrete and iron, which could cause injury, pain and mental distress to elephants. This is in clear violation of Section 11 of India's Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act.

Using elephants as bulldozers is a disgrace to one of India's most treasured national species. Please urge Dr. R.D. Tanwar to end the practice and find cruelty-free alternatives to demolishing shacks!

We, the undersigned, are disturbed to hear that Indian officials are using endangered elephants to demolish shacks built by illegal immigrants in Assam's forest land. Though we understand that the region's hilly terrain makes it impossible for bulldozers to enter, we believe the substitution of elephants is a violation of animal cruelty laws.

Demolishing buildings requires ramming into concrete and iron, which could cause injury, pain and mental distress to elephants. This is in clear violation of Section 11 of India's Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act.

Using elephants as bulldozers is a disgrace to one of India's most treasured national species. We respectfully urge you to end the practice and find cruelty-free alternatives to demolishing shacks. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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