Currently there is a Child Abuse Registry and a Sex Offender Registry in Canada, but what about our family pets and abused animals? This may be the answer.
In United States, State Senate majority leader Dean Florez proposed a bill that would require anyone convicted of a felony involving animal cruelty to register with the police for a public online forum, similar to sex offender registry. Perhaps we should follow suit?
This registry would help identify people with a history of animal abuse, as well as serve as an early warning for future crimes, since people guilty of violent crimes often have a history of animal abuse. An on-line registry would also be useful for tracking the abusers, since many move to other provinces or states after they are caught. People who are involved in puppy mills, animal fighting rings, and hoarders of animals (which leads to neglect) could also be tracked more easily with an online registry.
An on-line registry of animal abusers would significantly benefit communities and law enforcement. Violence is more prevalent in our society and we need to take a stand to stop it from continuing. Any form of abuse should not be tolerated. Tell Prime Minister Justin Trudeau it is time for an on line animal abuse registry in Canada. Please be the voice for these innocent victims and our future. Time to do what is right, is RIGHT NOW!
-------------------------------- French---------------------------
Enregistrement d'Abus Animal au Canada
Actuellement il est-ce qu'un Enregistrement de Mauvais traitements %uFFFD enfant et y a un Enregistrement de D%uFFFDlinquant sexuel au Canada, mais en ce qui concerne nos animaux de compagnie aim%uFFFDs et des animaux abus%uFFFDs ? Cela peut %uFFFDtre la r%uFFFDponse.
Aux %uFFFDtats-Unis, le Doyen de leader de majorit%uFFFD de S%uFFFDnat D'%uFFFDtat Florez a propos%uFFFD une facture(un projet de loi) qui exigerait que quelqu'un ait rendu un verdict de culpabilit%uFFFD d'un crime impliquant la cruaut%uFFFD animale pour se faire inscrire avec la police pour un forum en ligne public, semblable aux d%uFFFDlinquants sexuels. Peut-%uFFFDtre nous devrions faire de m%uFFFDme ?
Cet enregistrement aiderait %uFFFD identifier les gens(le peuple) avec une histoire d'abus animal, aussi bien que servir d'un premier avertissement pour des crimes futurs, puisque les gens(le peuple) coupables d'actes de violence ont souvent une histoire d'abus animal. Un enregistrement en ligne serait aussi utile pour suivre %uFFFD la trace ces profiteurs(auteurs de s%uFFFDvices), depuis beaucoup de mouvement %uFFFD d'autres provinces(domaines) ou des %uFFFDtats apr%uFFFDs qu'ils sont attrap%uFFFDs. Les gens(le peuple) qui sont impliqu%uFFFDs dans des moulins(usines) de chiot, l'animal se battant avec des anneaux et les th%uFFFDsauriseurs d'animaux (qui m%uFFFDne %uFFFD la n%uFFFDgligence) pourraient aussi %uFFFDtre suivis %uFFFD la trace plus facilement avec un enregistrement en ligne.
Un enregistrement en ligne de profiteurs(d'auteurs de s%uFFFDvices) animaux profiterait significativement aux communaut%uFFFDs et l'application de la loi. La violence est plus r%uFFFDpandue dans notre soci%uFFFDt%uFFFD et nous devons adopter une attitude pour l'arr%uFFFDter de la continuation. N'importe quelle forme(formulaire) d'abus ne devrait pas %uFFFDtre tol%uFFFDr%uFFFDe. Dites au Premier Ministre Stephen Harper que c'est le temps pour un sur l'enregistrement d'abus d'animal de ligne au Canada. S'il vous pla%uFFFDt soyez la voix pour ces victimes innocentes et notre avenir. Le temps pour faire ce qui est juste est TOUT DE SUITE!
Currently there is a Child Abuse Registry and a Sex Offender Registry in Canada, but what about our beloved pets and abused animals? This may be the answer.
In United States, State Senate majority leader Dean Florez proposed a bill that would require anyone convicted of a felony involving animal cruelty to register with the police for a public online forum, similar to sex offenders. Perhaps we should follow suit?
This registry would help identify people with a history of animal abuse, as well as serve as an early warning for future crimes, since people guilty of violent crimes often have a history of animal abuse. An online registry would also be useful for tracking these abusers, since many move to other provinces or states after they are caught. People who are involved in puppy mills, animal fighting rings, and hoarders of animals (which leads to neglect) could also be tracked more easily with an online registry.
An online registry of animal abusers would significantly benefit communities and law enforcement. Violence is more prevalent in our society and we need to take a stand to stop it from continuing. Any form of abuse should not be tolerated. Tell Prime Minister Justin Trudeau it is time for an on line animal abuse registry in Canada. Please be the voice for these innocent victims and our future. Time to do what is right is RIGHT NOW!
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