A Voice for G2 - German Shepherd Dragged by Man on Motorized Scooter

  • av: Ely R
  • mottagare: Judge Rudy Gonzalez; District Attorney, Ricardo Rodriguez

The video that shows a man in a motorized wheelchair dragging a German shepherd by a leash wrapped around his neck is incredibly distrubing. 

The dog's name is G2. This man's name is 59 year old Mario Cardona from Mission, TX. Unlike this man, we care and advocate for all animals. We are the Voice for G2, this dog who was defenseless against this man's behavior. We are asking Judge Jonathan Wehrmeister to act now to ensure that Mario Cardona may never own animals again.

This man's documented history of violence against his wife (public record of arrest for spousal abuse) and animals, demonstrates he has the capacity to do this again. The remaining pets in the home should also be removed and placed for screened adoptions.

All animals have a right to live a happy healthy life with good people who care for them. The comments made on the media about this man's past behaviors in his community show he may need help, but in the meantime should not be allowed to own any animals. We ask the judge and the prosecutor to take a stand against animal cruelty by placing this injunction on Mario Cardona.

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