Demand Woolworths South Africa STOP selling products that contain Palm Oil

Woolworths South Africa ran a TV ad using Pharrell Williams. .He asked "Do you care where your food comes from ?","Do you care about your planet ?"Woolworths need to step up and actually put into practise what they preach !!!

Every hour the equivalent of 300 soccer fields of rain forest are depleted .Due to this deforestation, thousands of rain forest animals are killed ,burnt and sold into slavery. Statistics show that Orang-utans will be extinct within the next 2 years.
Palm Oil is found in everything.It is hidden under numerous names.
Woolworths SA professes to be leading the way in environmental consciousness yet when they were approached by the South African Palm Oil Awareness group on Palm Oil their response was ,"until such time that the public demand otherwise,we will continue using Palm Oil in our products "
We the public have the power to demand otherwise.Demand that Woolworths and all their suppliers immediately stop this genocide of rain forest animals .
Palm Oil is found in everything from bread to roasted peanuts, beauty and cleaning products .It is used as a cheap alternative to sunflower oil unfortunately, at a very high cost to  animals and the environment.
Step up Woolworths, stop just advertising that you are environmentally conscious and start practising it !!!

To Woolworths South Africa,

You spend millions on advertising campaigns telling the public how you are leading the way in enviromental consciousness yet,when approached on your stance on Palm Oil your response was "until such time that the public demand otherwise ,we will continue to use it"

There is no such thing as sustainable Palm Oil.Belonging to an organization(RSPO) that profess to champion sustainable Palm yet have members like yourselves that are some of THE biggest perpetrators ,does not cut it !

We the public ,your clients ,demand that you step up,have the courage of your convictions and immediately stop using Palm in your products as well as that of your suppliers products .

Revert back to sunflower oil.The demise of any species of rain forest animal should be a priority. As a self professed leader in green, enviromentally conscious retail,you need to stop just preaching as such and actually practise it  .

Uppdatera #55 år sedan
To everyone that has signed this petition to date,thank you !
Sadly it is moving very slowly and seems to have lost momentum.Please share and encourage other to sign.We are running out of time, as the worlds demand for Palm grows at a alarming pace, the habitat for defenceless rain forest animals is near depletion.WE have to take a stand before its too late.
PLEASE help by sharing on any platform you can.
Uppdatera #48 år sedan
The Borneo Orangutang has now been listed as CRITICALLY endangered .PLEASE we need to get this petition to 10 000 companies like Woolworths South Africa must be made to step up and take responsibility .PLEASE share this is so urgent
Uppdatera #38 år sedan
Hey everyone that has signed .
People are becoming more and more aware of Palm Oil due to celebrities like Leonardo Caprio highlighting the devastation .The only problem is ,the manufactures still keep using it .Your voice can make a difference.
Please share on FaceBook and lets make Woolworths South Africa listen the public pressure !!

Thank you
Uppdatera #29 år sedan
This petition seems to have come to a standstill yet unfortuantly Woolworths South Africa using Palm Oil ,has not .PLEASE share as time is running out for these gentle creatures and other rain forest animals .Thank you !
Uppdatera #19 år sedan
Woolworths advertising ethos is all about being green ,caring about the planet ,caring about where your food comes from,being the leaders in responsible retail.They claim that they use sustainable Palm Oil and that they are members of the RSPO.This is just spin ,the RSPO has members that are some of the BIGGEST palm oil forest cleaners in the world,their standards are totally inefficient and if were not so devastating they would be laughable.
With YOUR help ,we can do this !
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