Let's Name the Former Phipps Playground After Sunnyside's Local Hero, Firefighter Michael Davidson

Let's Name the Former Phipps Playground After Sunnyside's Local Hero, Firefighter Michael R. Davidson

Mayor Bill de Blasio, NYC Parks Commissioner Mitchell J. Silver, and Queens Borough Parks Commissioner Dorothy Lewandowski:

We support naming Sunnyside's new park in honor of FDNY Firefighter Michael R. Davidson. The site of the former Phipps Playground, located on the corner of 39th Avenue and 50th Street in Sunnyside, will soon become a city park. FDNY Lieutenant Michael R. Davidson was tragically killed on March 22, 2018 trying to save others in a fire at a Manhattan building that was being used as a movie set. Michael's boyhood home was across the street from the Former Phipps Playground. As a preschooler, Michael attended the Outdoor Nursery of the Phipps Playground. He lived here throughout his childhood, while attending St. Sebastian's Catholic Academy and Archbishop Molloy High School. He was born and raised in Sunnyside, attended our local schools and he has a direct connection with this park. Please support this fitting tribute to Sunnyside's Bravest, Michael R. Davidson.

Uppdatera #26 år sedan
In less than 24hrs, more than ONE THOUSAND people signed our petition to name the Fmr. Phipps Playground after FDNY hero Michael Davidson. We are deeply grateful for the overwhelming response. THANK YOU!
Uppdatera #16 år sedan
Thank you for being among the first 100 to sign our petition in only a few hours! For news and updates about the Friends of Michael R Davidson Playground follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/friendsofMDpark and like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/friendsofMDpark/?modal=admin_todo_tour

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