Bring Back ONXRT Live From the Archives

I recently found out. That after 19 years there will be no more ONXRT live from the archives CDs or LPs. I was hoping against hope that XRT was waiting until Record Store Day to release Vol 20. That is not the case and it looks like it may be the end of the series.
"So what?" You say. "Who cares," others mumble. Not me, not us! The fans of the unique, the fans of Chicago, the fans of live music realize how important this series of studio and live performances are.
Hearing Lou Reed take a walk on the wild side or Poi Dog jamming out at the Taste or countless other moments in time encapsulated on vinyl (or cd) gave us goose bumps.
I think the fine people at XRT are reasonable people and may actually listen to our voices. But only if you sign.
Please help Chicago keep our memories and let's show XRT there is demand and appreciation for their annual compilation.

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