Be their voice for Vaccination Reform!
We recently lost our 7 year old girl Bayla. Her veterinarian as well as a cardiac specialist believe her heart issues(myocarditis/tachycardia) which came out of nowhere, were a result of the Rabies vaccine ( she received. “She’s an interesting case. There is no reason this dog should have a heart problem” was the first comment from the cardiologist. He met our girl after a sudden arrhythmia attack that almost took her life. We worked for weeks on trying to manage the damage that had occurred from the attack. In the end we still lost her.
Our baby was also clearly over vaccinated as a puppy from the first vet office we went to. Two years before, at the age of five, mast cell cancer was detected in the exact location where rabies vaccine was administered.
This practice of over vaccinations is occurring way too often. ( Many Veterinarians over vaccinate, don’t educate or aren’t educated themselves, and pressure pet owners to give shots their animals don’t even need. When it’s a known fact that vaccine administration is a money maker, it’s hard not to feel disturbed. (
It’s time this very real issue gets re-looked at seriously, as too many pet owners are losing their beloved animals unnecessarily to vaccine born diseases and reactions. Vaccination schedules, as well as legal quirements need to be reformed. Veterinarians and vaccination companies need to be held accountable. And titers need to be recognized as proof of immunity.
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