Lambeth council demand resignations

    I was left in nearly £20,000 of debt due to miscommunication and gross incompetence of senior officials at Lambeth Council. After being erroneously informed twice that my full housing benefit had been approved, I pursued daily for my due payment. Only a year later, I was informed that those approvals were mistakenly issued. Now, I am left with unruly debt and unable to return to work due to this unmanageable situation. It's clear that the leadership, including Tim Hillman-Brown, Duda Rufus, and Michael Nartley, have allowed this kind of disregard to become the norm.

    Under Tim's leadership, an Ombudsman report found “concerning” reoccurring issues, indicating either a complete disregard for the systemic issues within the system or a simple incompetence to lead. It's time for them to take responsibility for the havoc and distress caused to individuals like myself and many others.

    This is not just about mismanagement; it's about gross negligence, misconduct and an absolute disregard for the lives impacted by their mismanagement. We demand immediate action and the resignation of these and other senior individuals from Lambeth Council to pave way for new people to come in a clean up the mess in the broken borough. Please, sign this petition and join us in demanding justice for the victims of Lambeth Council's indifference.
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