Save the Wild American Mustang

  • av: jane williams
  • mottagare: President Obama and the Beauru of Land Management

Wild Mustangs used number over 2 million. Today there are maybe 15 thousand. Our paid officials are making tax payers pay for this cruel slaughter just so their meat can be sold out of America for dinner tables over seas. Horses are harrased by helicopters and rounded up into cramped pens then packed onto trailers that are used for cattle and they can't stand errect. Then trucked for long periods of time without food, water or rest. Then if they survive this horror then they are taken to a cruel unfitting slaughter. Sometimes being dismembered alive.
Right now horses can not be slaughtered in the US. But that could change.  Do NOT let this happen to our horses.

Uppdatera #110 år sedan
A HUGE thank you to all of my signers. Our equines (wild horses and wild burrows) are counting on us to protect them. They are supposed to be protected by law. Instead their flesh is being sold to foreign countries to be put on the dinner table. American tax payers are footing the bill despite 80 percent of America being opposed to this.
Please SHARE one more time. Many blessings to you. :)
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