Help us to save one of Kentucky's greatest natural treasures, the Red River Gorge region from being permanently altered!
A large scale resort development project created by Red River Economic Development (RRED) has the potential to permanently alter the area with the proposal looking at three sites and ranking a privately owned 891-acre site in Slade adjacent to the Mountain Parkway as the highest. The project seeks to do the following:
- Attract 1-2 million visitors to an area already struggling with an overload of tourists during the high season.
- Seemingly give control to a small group of outside banks, developers and politicians to control development around the resort on what looks like a minimum 10-mile radius. And, they justify a need for control so they can attract private investment to their resort. This top down control gives no consideration to the existing community of mom and pop businesses, residents, ecotourism offerings and organizations that live in and love the Gorge.
- Develop an 891-acre property that contains at least 17 natural rock arches and of which there is a possibility of Native American burial sites, which could potentially be protected by the Archaeological Resource Protection Act.
- Develop a 20 acre retail outlet/village alongside the rest area, at Slade. Slade is already a village! We don't need another one!
The size and scope of this resort far exceed the capacity and character of the area's limited infrastructure, public services, and labor force. There are concerns that this large scale construction may have an environmental impact on local river systems, endangered and threatened species and neighboring private properties. The local community has been kept in the dark with sparse communication.
We are a group of mostly local businesses and residents that has formed to oppose this project and we are reaching out to the global Red River Gorge community because we need your help in opposing this outsized project. The deadline is quickly approaching for RRED 's purchase of the property and hiring a firm that will conceive a master development plan. If you feel the project will permanently alter the nature and character of the beautiful Gorge, please sign this petition and share it!
Join us!
Members of Red River Gorge united
Contact with concerns to:
Mike Berry / Ky Tourism Cabinet 502- 564-4930
Holly M. Johnson / Secr. Ky Dept of Finance & Adm 502-564-4240
Albert Robinson / Honorable Senator 502-564-8100 x 604
David Hale / Honorable Representative 502-564-8100
Andy Barr / Honorable Congressman 859-219-1366
Andy Beshear / Honorable Ky Governor 502- 564-2611
Asli Watts / President Ky Chamber of Commerce 502-695-4700
Tom FitzGerald / Ky Resource council 502-875-2428
Hubert Sparks / A.R.C Inspector general 800-532-4611
Uppdatera #43 år sedan
UPDATE from Red River Gorge United!
We're reaching out today to let you know that we've just built a new website for Red River Gorge United (RRGU) that will serve as a future hub for all our advocacy efforts. Share on social media and with friends and check back in regularly for new research, updates, or opportunities!
Please sign up to receive important email updates
View the new website here, including our new position statement:
Uppdatera #35 år sedan
Red River Gorge United is hosting its first-ever community meeting! Our mission is to represent the people and ecosystem of the Red River Gorge area. Come on out if you're interested in helping out with our mission, sharing your thoughts about the development of the region, and joining our board.
It will be Saturday Feb 1st from 4:30-6:30pm at the Powell County Extension Office in Stanton Ky.
Uppdatera #25 år sedan
If you would like to fill out a community survey, please copy link below to find the survey.
Uppdatera #15 år sedan
A meeting of the Red River Economic Development, LLC Board of Managers will be held on Friday, January 17rd at 10:00 a.m. at the Powell County Emergency Operations Center, 33 Commerce Drive, Stanton, KY for the purpose of selecting a firm to prepare a multicounty tourism masterplan. This meeting will be open to the public