Stop the Abuse of Betta Fish

Betta fish. 

They are the perfect beginner fish. Easy. Smart. Beautiful. But most importantly: they bond.

You and your betta fish have a lasting love for eachother the second you adopt them. After all, you take care of them! In return, they give you love and happiness.

My betta fish Emperor and I have seen the betta fish in Walmart. Have you?

Walmart doesn't care. The bettas are tossed into the backs of shelves, fed nothing, and die of sickness. Walmart doesn't care! These poor fish never get to live the life they were supposed too; a happy one with a caring owner and love. Instead, they die wishing to be saved.

Help me stop this abuse and save betta fish from being abused by Walmart. Together we can save the population and all give them good homes! Thank you. 

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