Stop this man from owning ANY animals Dwight Benjamin Mcloud

  • av: Staci Ferguson
  • mottagare: Dwight Benjamin Mcloud and Berkeley County Goverment

This man was found guilty of neglect and failure to provide care for his horses' they were starved set on fire , had maggot infestation & He was only ordered to surrender 2 of his 4 horses ! and now 1 of the 2 poor souls that remained with that man  has been hit and killed by a suv  for faiure once again on Mr. Mclouds part. And equal failure on Berkeley County Government for not following up on the case .Mr. Mcloud needs to be ordered to surrender the last surviving horse to L.E.A.R.N our local horse rescue immediatley ! before it's to late for this poor horse as well.go to this link to see the care of e lucky horses that were seized from Mr. Mcloud thhttp://summerville.and this next link takes you to the end of 1 of the poor souls that were left with Mr. Mcloud. and last the Berkeley County Government link to speak for the last horse who can not ask for himself to be saved...DEMAND Berkeley County make Mr. Mcloud surrender the last of the 4 horses. Thank You save him.

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