All dogs and cats sold in Minnesota pet stores should come from shelters or rescue groups

Virtually all dogs sold in pet stores come from puppy mills, where they suffer terribly. Kitten mills are also a huge problem. Meanwhile, shelters are euthanizing rescue dogs and cats due to overcrowding.
So let's strike a blow against puppy and kitten mills. Let's encourage people to adopt rescue dogs and cats. Let's pass a law in Minnesota requiring that all dogs and cats sold in pet stores come from an animal shelter or rescue.

Think of the impact this would have in shutting down some of the worst puppy and kitten mills in the State of Minnesota. Their market would dry up and we would finally reach a point where most animals could find their forever homes.

PLEASE urge Governor Mark Dayton and the Minnesota State Legislature to institute a statewide law requiring pet stores to sell ONLY rescue dogs and cats.
Virtually all dogs sold in pet stores come from puppy mills, where they suffer terribly. Kitten mills are also a huge problem. Meanwhile, shelters are euthanizing rescue dogs and cats due to overcrowding.


So let's strike a blow against puppy and kitten mills. Let's encourage people to adopt rescue dogs and cats. Let's pass a law in Minnesota requiring that all dogs and cats sold in pet stores come from an animal shelter or rescue.

Think of the impact this would have in shutting down some of the worst puppy and kitten mills in the State of Minnesota. Their market would dry up and we would finally reach a point where most animals could find their forever homes.

Please institute a statewide law requiring pet stores to sell ONLY rescue dogs and cats.


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