Theft of service animals is attempted murder.

    Theft of service animals is a threat to the handler , it could cost them their life without their service animal , my service animal was stolen it took almost 3 years to find her and when I did , the law did nothing claiming statute of limitations. They hardly did anything to investigate the disappearance of my seizure awareness and alert animal . I personally had to investigate the theft myself . My service animal was stolen by a 4 time sex offender who was paid by an ex using social security money and then given to someone who was moving out of state and still resides out of state . Due to the extreme nature of the crime it should carry extreme penalties and carry no statute of limitations and it should carry the same penalties for all involved and knowing of the crime and those that are knowingly in possession of a stolen service animal should have the same sentence. These people not only stole my service animal putting my life , health and well being in danger, but also destroyed not just my life, a chance of finding happiness , but also permanently damaged my mental health and permanently made it impossible for me to have any faith or trust in law enforcement or the judicial system which was already in question due to prior abuses of authority which has had an extreme impact due to lack of proper representation and inability to pay private attorney fees.
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