Texas- Stop Inhumane City Ordinance Against Feral Cats

  • av: Nyack Clancy
  • mottagare: Copperas Cove City Manager Andrea Gardner, Mayor and City Council

The City Council in Copperas Cove, Texas, amended an animal control ordinance- attempting to stop trap, neuter and release programs for feral cats in the city. The ordinance seeks forbid such activities from taking place, such as releasing a spayed feral cat within the city limits and feeding feral cats. Those who violate the ordinance can be fined $200.

Feeding bans don't stop cats from "multiplying"; neutering does. Trap-Neuter-Return is the only effective way to stabilize feral cat populations. Since TNR requires scheduled feeding to be successful, it is impossible to carry out with a feeding ban in place.

One unspayed female cat, her mate and all of their offspring can produce 370,092 in just 7 years.

Feeding bans are counterproductive and unenforceable, wasting taxpayer dollars without doing anything to fix the underlying issue. The only effective way to stabilize cat populations and keep cats out of shelters is through humane programs like TNR (Trap/Neuter/Release). We ask The City Council in Copperas Cove to revisit  the amended an animal control ordinance- and remove feeding bans and allow for Trap/Neuter/Release programs.

SOURCE: http://kdhnews.com/copperas_cove_herald/news/council-asks-for-ordinance-on-feral-cats/article_f57d28d4-0ae1-11e3-8f8a-001a4bcf6878.html

Email: http://www.copperascovetx.gov/pages/information/email.htm

The City Council in Copperas Cove, Texas, amended an animal control ordinance- attempting to stop trap, neuter and release programs for feral cats in the city. The ordinance seeks forbid such activities from taking place, such as releasing a spayed feral cat within the city limits and feeding feral cats. Those who violate the ordinance can be fined $200.

Feeding bans don't stop cats from "multiplying"; neutering does. Trap-Neuter-Return is the only effective way to stabilize feral cat populations. Since TNR requires scheduled feeding to be successful, it is impossible to carry out with a feeding ban in place.

One unspayed female cat, her mate and all of their offspring can produce 370,092 in just 7 years.

Feeding bans are counterproductive and unenforceable, wasting taxpayer dollars without doing anything to fix the underlying issue. The only effective way to stabilize cat populations and keep cats out of shelters is through humane programs like TNR (Trap/Neuter/Release). We ask The City Council in Copperas Cove to revisit  the amended an animal control ordinance- and remove feeding bans and allow for Trap/Neuter/Release programs.

SOURCE: http://kdhnews.com/copperas_cove_herald/news/council-asks-for-ordinance-on-feral-cats/article_f57d28d4-0ae1-11e3-8f8a-001a4bcf6878.html

Email: http://www.copperascovetx.gov/pages/information/email.htm

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