Please Help Restore Southern Pacific 4460! Bring Back 4460!

    4460 is a semi-streamlined Class GS-6 4-8-4 "Northern" type steam locomotive built by the Lima Locomotive Works In Lima,Ohio for the Southern Pacific Railroad in July 1943. now it sits waiting for a restoration but nothing is taking place. could you help restore this locomotive to opperating condidion? you can donate money to the railroad musiuem in St Louis MO where the locomotive now stands o static display for over 60 years without seeing another light again but it's not possible without your help with your donations you can bring this steam engine back to like and reunite with SP 4449. Do you have what it takes to bring this locomotive back to like like it did in the good ol' days? Here are some things you can do to help get this restoration going:

    1. donations to the musiem (money)

    2. Give donations to order new parts

    3. Start a campaign etc.

    4. tell the museum to get the restoration started. See when you donate money you give the money to the museum so they can order a new parts and get this look loaded off of static display into a restoration facility. See when you donate money to this locomotive You are able to bring this look on it back to life like it did back in the 1950s. You can also donate money to the railroad museum to get the locomotive removed from it's display and get restored. Thank you for understanding :)
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