Save the Native Animals of NSW, Australia

  • av: Leigh Nunn
  • mottagare: NSW Premier, Barry O'Farrell

Early in July 2013, the NSW State Government shut down a progam that allowed volunteers to help control pest, feral animals that were destroying sensitive, endangered native animals, such as the Bilby, the Marsupial mouse and the Quoll, along with many beautiful Australian Native birds.

These Australian Natives have not evolved with the presence of cats, large wild dog breeds, and foxes as predators. They dont know how to evade them, and they dont know how to compete with other feral animals such as the pig, and European Rabbit/Hare for food and living space.

The NSW Premier, along with the Minister for Primary industries, Katrina Hodgkinson, and National Parks Minister Robyn Parker, showed they cared little about protecting native wildlife in government owned land in NSW by cancelling the program that permitted accredited, licensed, and qualified volunteers, to lend assistance to National Parks and State Forestry personnel.

We need to send a message to Mr O'Farrell and the NSW government that every person that wants to lend a hand, should be able to do so!

Dear Mr O'Farrell,

We the undersigned request that you immediately reinstate the ability for volunteers; licensed and accredited under NSW legislation, to control non-native, feral, pest animals on public lands, as outlined in the Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002 and Supplementary Pest Control program outlined in recent amendments.

Doing so would show that the NSW Government cares about the welfare of Australian native animals in their care.      

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