People should sign this petition if they reall y want to see a change in Animal Rights here in Cyprus.

Dear Mr President
Cyprus 2012 and we are European
We the undersigned are campaining for animal rights in Cyprus in accordance with European law.
We want a government sponsored animal welfare office accountable by law.
We want the money collected every year from every Dimos for dog registration to be diverted to the animal shelters that currently exsist in Cyprus. Many of them are under threat of closure and are full to overflowing.
We want prison sentences for animal abusers as it has been proven by researchers that animal abusers also go on to abuse children as well.
Animals have no voice but we will be their voice and we demand a meeting with you to rectify this dreaful situation as it exsisits in Cyprus today.
This campaign and the campaigners will not rest until these goals are achieved.

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