stop building more factories in XinJiang, west China! save our white-headed duck from extinction!

  • av: Vicky Cheng
  • mottagare: white-headed duck-endanger species

there is a beautiful lake called "white lake", it was very important habitat for white-headed duck, but XinJiang government approved companies to do sand-mining, stone mining, even to set up an industry park nearby. now the lake is getting drier, if we don't try to researve it, we will no longer see white-headed duck in this area anymore.

dear XinJiang authorities:
XinJiang is such a blessing land with so much rich ecosystem, once we lose them, we will lose more than we think. 
economic growing is an endless competition, but these birds are innocent. once we destroy their habitat, they will lose their home forever.
they can't talk then they disappear. one day, we won't be able to see them anymore!
so PLS save these birds for our next generations!
Today's birds, Tomorrow's human beings!! 

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