Say NO to Toxic Odors & Request Public Hearing for Blackwater Permit

We, the undersigned residents of Orleans/Jefferson Parish, request a public hearing for Blackwater's June 5, 2020 Air Permit Application. Blackwater is a hazardous liquid storage facility on the Mississippi River (1805 4th St, Harvey) with 36 tanks and a 1.2 million barrel capacity.

We are concerned because:

(1) Blackwater wants to start making Creosote Petroleum Solution, a toxic liquid that "causes damage to blood, eyes, and respiratory system" and is linked to cancer and and reproductive problems. This process would increase Blackwater's emissions of odor-causing, toxic Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs);

(2) LDEQ has received over 100 recent complaints about toxic odors near Blackwater. These odors are causing residents to experience difficulty breathing, headaches, nausea, and other symptoms. The odors have been described as a "putrid chemical smell", and "toxic asphalt/tar/petroleum";

(3) LDEQ investigations found evidence linking these toxic odors to Blackwater;

(4) There are 59,000 residents, two high schools, five playgrounds, and dozens of popular businesses within 2 miles of Blackwater.

No emissions increases should be permitted for any facility in this area, given the high population density and the unresolved toxic odor problem.

The LDEQ must grant a hearing request, given the significant public interest in this permit application.

Uppdatera #24 år sedan
Dear Neighbor,

As you may have heard - WE WON! In the face of mounting public pressure, Blackwater withdrew its permit application!

But we're not done - as I write this, the air outside my home reeks of toxic chemicals. We've had ENOUGH.

If you'd like to JOIN our ongoing effort to end our neighborhoods' toxic odor problem, email us at or follow us on Facebook (


Kim Terrell

Uppdatera #14 år sedan

Dear Neighbor,

Thanks for signing our petition and saying "NO" to toxic odors. Please consider sending a quick email to to request a public hearing for Blackwater's permit (include "AI 2119, Permit 202-00004-V5"). The more emails LDEQ receives, the better our chances for a public hearing.

To receive updates and become a member of JOIN for Clean Air (at no cost), email
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