Tell Biden to demand Netanyahu not slaughter innocent civilians in Gaza!

As President Biden prepared his trip to Israel to show support for our Middle Eastern ally, Israel stands accused of launching an airstrike on the Al-Ahli Arabi Baptist hospital in Gaza City, killing and wounding at least 500 people.

While the perpetrator of this attack remains unconfirmed, the tragic reality is that more than 3,000 Palestinian civilians have died since the Hamas militant group launched its monstrous terrorist attacks, including 1,000 women and over 1,000 children.

Atrocity against innocents cannot be used to justify atrocity against innocents.

Call on President Biden to push for restraint from the IDF!

The horrifying crimes of the Hamas terrorists can never be forgiven — but bombing innocent civilians will not bring back dead Israelis and will never lead to a lasting peace for the region.

As a primary supplier of weapons and funding to the Israeli military, the United States has a moral obligation to pressure Israel into showing restraint in its bombing campaigns, do everything in its power to avoid civilian casualties, and allow humanitarian aid to be distributed to the people of Gaza.

Demand Biden tell Israel to work to spare innocents! 

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