There is a global ban on whaling and I think it is disgraceful that anyone profits by it. Personally, I find all of these images highly offensive and I'm sure that many other people around the world do to.
Any actions that contribute to whales being hunted in this day and age should not be tolerated. That includes all types of whale meat and their associated images.
I am not necessarily against photographs of dead whales for historical purposes (because let's face it, it's only a matter of time before we win this war), but I don't think you should be allowed to sell them!
I find the following photographs particularly disturbing:
But there are many others:
Corbis is asking for up to $2,167.00 for their images for use in advertising while Getty is asking up to AUD$775 for editorial purposes.
Ultimately I think these pictures should be in the public domain because graphic images of this kind really belong in a museum. I think if designers need to tell a story about whales being killed, then they can hire an illustrator.
Please don't forget to share this, it makes a HUGE difference when you share.
NOTE: and just so everything is 100% crystal clear, I actually had to pay $4 to use the image shown here (which is from 123RF), to keep everything 100% legal and not breach any copyright issues. This image is the most horrid thing I've ever bought in my life, but I believe it is in the whales' best interests.
Please sign + share!
Update #55 months ago
If you'd like to directly support my activism, please visit my etsy shop. There are many handmade eco mouse mats to choose from (over 150) and also some art. I could really do with the money this week. Thanks, Leslie —
Update #47 months ago
Hello, I have another important petition for you to sign "Taiwan does not belong to China! Demand that Qantas fixes its website!!"
Thanks, Leslie
Update #37 months ago
I have another important petition for you to sign "Release Navalny now! Stop persecuting and oppressing Navalny supporters."
Thanks, Leslie
Update #29 months ago
Maybe it wasn't the smartest petition? Anyway, I HAVE STARTED A NEW PETITION and it's to do with animal cruelty on Youtube. Animals are being killed and eaten onscreen while still live. Producers are getting paid $$$ to make these sick videos and it has to stop. It needs more signatures. Please sign & share:
Update #11 years ago
Hello! Every now and then, I start a new petition. And here's my latest one: "Sack Jolyon Maugham, a prominent Barrister/QC who murdered a fox with a baseball bat (and bragged about it on twitter)."
Please sign and share it (if you share it multiple times it always works better to go viral). Thanks,
There is a global ban on whaling and I think it is disgraceful that anyone profits by it. Personally, I find all of these images highly offensive and I'm sure that many other people around the world do to.
Any actions that contribute to whales being hunted in this day and age should not be tolerated. That includes all types of whale meat and their associated images.
I am not necessarily against photographs of dead whales for historical purposes (because let's face it, it's only a matter of time before we win this war), but I don't think you should be allowed to sell them!
I find the following photographs particularly disturbing:
But there are many others:
Corbis is asking for up to $2,167.00 for their images for use in advertising.
Getty is asking up to AUD$775 for editorial purposes.
Ultimately I think these pictures should be in the public domain because graphic images of this kind really belong in a museum. I think if designers need to tell a story about whales being killed, then they can hire an illustrator.
Uppdatera #53 år sedan
This is not one of my smartest petitions. Anyway, I have ANOTHER petition I would like you to sign and it's relevant to me because I live in Moruya and I travel down this road almost every day. "Don't bulldoze 1000 trees for a Moruya highway bypass overdevelopment! Choose the shorter option D/E instead."
I would *really* appreciate it if you could all sign & share this new petition.
Kind regards,
leslie dean brown
Uppdatera #43 år sedan
Hello, I have another important petition for you to sign "Taiwan does not belong to China! Demand that Qantas fixes its website!!"
Thanks, Leslie
Uppdatera #33 år sedan
I have another important petition for you to sign "Release Navalny now! Stop persecuting and oppressing Navalny supporters."
Thanks, Leslie
Uppdatera #23 år sedan
Maybe it wasn't the smartest petition? Anyway, I HAVE STARTED A NEW PETITION and it's to do with animal cruelty on Youtube. Animals are being killed and eaten onscreen while still live. Producers are getting paid $$$ to make these sick videos and it has to stop. It needs more signatures. Please sign & share:
Uppdatera #13 år sedan
Hello! Every now and then, I start a new petition. And here's my latest one: "Sack Jolyon Maugham, a prominent Barrister/QC who murdered a fox with a baseball bat (and bragged about it on twitter)."
Please sign and share it (if you share it multiple times it always works better to go viral). Thanks,