Send Rush Limbaugh on a Death Valley Vacation

Earth Leaders Network ( is a group of Earth activists fighting for green laws.  Rush Limbaugh the Republican talk show host, loves spreading misinformation about the science of climate change.  97% of scientists say climate change sped up by human pollution.  Climate change is a simple to explain. More CO2 = More Trapped Heat – like a baby trapped in a hot car.

Since Rush thinks climate change is a myth, we want him to take a vacation to the hottest place in America- Death Valley California.  There he will enjoy Death Valley’s 134 degree days and 15 degree nights.  Activities will include hunting jackrabbits and lizards for food, finding water, finding shade, and surviving an entire day. 

You can also donate to help ELN fight for laws that will reduce CO2.  Please tell your friends as well.  To take action for green laws, please join our forum at

Thank you for your help!

Desert Expansion Facts:

1.Burning forests & overgrazing livestock are the main causes of desert wasteland expansion.

2.The highest and lowest temperatures recorded in Death Valley were 134 and 15 degrees. 

3.The hottest temperature on Earth is 136 degrees, recorded in Libya.

4.Deserts are expanding.  Mexico loses 400 sq miles of farmland each year to deserts.  The Sahara desert is larger than the entire United States.  The Gobi desert has expanded 25,000 miles since 1994.

5.Death Valley gets less than 2 inches of rain a year. 

6.Up to 75% of rain in rainforests comes from trees transpiring water. 

7.Deserts have the least life per sq mile.  Rainforests have the most life per sq mile. 



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