Rhode Island: Don't Kill Cliff the Coyote!

  • av: Nicole Ingham
  • mottagare: Gina Raimondo, RI Governor; Anthony Pesare, Middletown Chief of Police

I am just a person who loves animals, but this is truly crazy that a beautiful animal is going to be put down, because of people making bad choices.

Cliff the coyote has grown acclimated to humans in Middletown, Rhode Island - because people have been feeding him.  Now, the Chief of Police is going to have him shot!!

Cliff has done nothing wrong. why is this even being allowed? Isn’t there a zoo or somewhere he could go? We the people are responsible for his actions of being friendly, so why should he pay the price? How can people go to bed nights knowing they allowed this to happen. Learn more about his story here.

I understand the police chiefs position, but there must be another solution to this problem.

He needs a voice and you have power. Don’t know what else to do please help him. He was created just like we are. why does he have to die? when he has done nothing wrong, but be friendly.                

PLEASE TRY TO HELP HIM! Time is URGENT! Tell the Governor and the Chief of Police to find a different solution!        


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