Complete Ban of All Ivory Trade in the State of Florida

  • av: Karen Stowell
  • mottagare: Govenor RIck Scott, Govenor of Florida

The United States is the Second largest market for ivory in the world. Currently there is no complete ban of the trade of ivory. This results in approximately 140,000 Elephants being slaughtered annually for the ivory in their tusks. That's nearly 5 per hour!! Rhinos also fall victims to this tragedy. Poachers fill the supply for the demand using any means necessary. By removing the demand, we eliminate our states participation in these crimes on our way to our goal of eliminating our country's involvement, and eventually eliminating the crime all together.

In this day and age of technology, we find majestic familial herds of creatures are murdered daily for greed. These elephants live and care for their own with more cultural respect than those who prey on them. The United States should be ashamed to be apart of this industry. Many people, as well as other birds and animals are killed in the process of poaching elephants. These dangerous criminals have no respect for the law, let alone life. Humans were put on earth to care for it, not destroy it for a dollar. Florida MUST NOT be a part of this!!

ITS TIME TO SPEAK UP. HELP US Tell our Legislators that we no longer desire to be connected to these horrendous crimes of nature!! Sign this petition to BAN ALL TRADE OF IVORY in the state of Florida. Don't allow poachers to use loopholes and shady deals to drive another one of our beautiful creatures into extinction.

Uppdatera #18 år sedan
Thank you for making the right choice and supporting our endeavor. ..700 signatures And a long way to go! This petition is started for a 10 yr old Girl who wishes to change the world for the better! Please help her make a difference! Share with 10 of your contacts and let's take a stand together to protect Elephants from greedy slaughter.
We thank you so much for your help!
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