Suspend Kristen Lindsey's license to practice veterinary medicine permanently!

  • av: S E Smith
  • mottagare: Texas State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners

Texas veterinarian Kristen Lindsey posted an image of herself holding up a cat she'd shot with a bow on social media with bragging commentary. Her employers at the Washington Animal Clinic fired her immediately, but it shouldn't stop there. Ms. Lindsey's cruelty indicates that she isn't fit to practice veterinary medicine in the state of Texas or elsewhere, and she should be investigated and barred from practice immediately.

We trust our pets with veterinarians every day with the knowledge that licensing boards evaluate candidates carefully for both characters and competency. The thought of leaving our animals in the care of people who will treat them this inhumanely and viciously is terrifying. Send a clear message to any other would-be animal tormenters that this kind of behavior is unacceptable in the state of Texas.

Dear Texas State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners, 

As part of your mission statement to "establish and enforce policies to ensure the best possible quality of veterinary and equine dental provider services for the people of Texas," your work includes the certification and licensing of both small and large animal veterinarians. Your state board exams provide information about fitness to practice medicine, but compassion for animals is also important. Veterinarians suspected of animal cruelty should be investigated thoroughly, and their licenses should be suspended if warranted. 

Such is the case with clinician Kristen Lindsey, who recently posted an image of herself holding up a dead cat with an arrow through his head, bragging about her kill. Commenters on social media indicate that Tiger was a pet who had been reported missing only hours before her post. 

Lindsey's posting may have resulted in her termination of employment, but she needs harsher penalties than that. She should be investigated and barred from practicing veterinary medicine in the State of Texas as an assurance to pet owners that your licensing entity is concerned about animal welfare, and as a notice to veterinarians that animal cruelty on or off the job will not be tolerated. 

For Tiger's sake as well of that of other animals in Texas counting on you, please consider taking action. 

Thank you. 

Uppdatera #28 år sedan
FINALLY!!! The cat-killing vet will have a hearing on whether she can keep her vet's license on April 25th. Please share the petition - click here to share on Facebook Let's make sure the Texas State Board hears us loudly and clearly!!
Uppdatera #19 år sedan
Did you hear the outrageous news that the TX cat-killing vet won't be charged with a crime?

That makes our petition incredibly important - it's up to us to make sure she loses her vet's license. Share the petition one more time!
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